Our Unity is like a river gently flowing, watering our land with blessings- SME

Creating New Pathways for Justice in the
Asia-Pacific Region-
A Personal Reflection

By Sr. Maureen Catabian RGS

Diversity of cultures. Varying contexts and
realities. Unique Colonial histories.  3.8 Billion people. This is the
face of  Asia and the Pacific.

Photo: From left to right, Srs. Maureen Catabian, Minela Alvarez and Leah Ann Espina. 

Economic Globalisation. Worsening Poverty.
Ecological degradation. People on the Move. Trafficked refugees and undocumented
migrants for labor and sex. This is the common plight of the poor, marginalized
and vulnerable peoples especially women and children of the Asia and Pacific.

The current Global economic crises is the context
of the Good Shepherd Mission in this part of the world. This is the same context where the
Justice work and journey of the nine Units of the Asia-Pacific takes its shape.

Each Unit / Country actively made Justice a reality in their respective
missions. Each one has a unique process of integrating the “justice”
perspective in various structures and systems with in their own Units. Some
have been long in the struggle – having integrated Justice in every level of
structure and system  as in formation, community living , spirituality and
ministries. Some have recently began and did it well. While some are still
establishing justice efforts until now. Some have combined direct services with
advocacy programs to work for systemic change. They have done this on the
local, national and international level maximizing use of the United Nations (UN) structure
through the Good Shepherd International Justice and Peace (GSIJP) office for policy and legislative advocacy.

A few countries have experienced exclusion and
repression from their governments and work for systemic change is a constant
and difficult struggle within.

The importance of a common understanding of the
Asia and Pacific context and realities as well as identifying challenges and
emerging trends and issues cannot be overemphasized. It is crucial to establish
this understanding amidst the diversity and complexities of cultures, colonial
histories and realities in each country.  From here, we found a common
ground on how we must see the challenging issues that are affecting and
emerging in the region.

The identification of four priority issues as Migration,
Trafficking, Economic justice and Ecological justice
have challenged the network to its
common analysis as well as its link with the current Global crisis brought 
by Neoliberal Globalization. Such Economic system has been peddled in the world
as the system of wealth-creation by the mega-rich corporations and governments.

Migration or movement of peoples whether internal or external was
seen a means of coping with intensifying poverty, militarization and
repression. For sponsors of neoliberal globalization, it was a tool for development-by
extracting more profits from impoverished and exploited migrant labor. 
The phenomenal rise of “undocumented migrants and refugees”
have also become a lucrative
business for the global trafficking syndicate
and corrupt officials of

In the same thread - governments are committing to
implement  or  enforce laws on anti-human trafficking and signing
conventions to protect migrants and families- while corporations and
governments  also see migration as a tool for development where remittances
coming from overseas workers becomes a source of revenue that keep some
economies in Asia afloat as it copes with the global economic crises.

Intensifying poverty and plunder of the
environment and destruction of the Earth
resulting to climate change have indeed made people and
communities in Asia as hotspots of vulnerabilities and calamities.

The Good Shepherd congregation in the Asia-Pacific
region manage specific  programs and ministries as direct services to
victims of forced migration, human trafficking as well as support economic and
ecological justice programs to uplift the poor and protect the environment.

As a GS APJP network – we are equally- challenged
as well to work for systemic change by launching and supporting advocacies that
will transform structures and systems especially those that oppresses and
exploits further the vulnerable and marginalized  women, children and
families as well as the Earth community.

The presence of GS Programs and ministries in 19
countries in the AP region is seen as an organized and systemic way of
providing intervention to victims of injustices.  The skills of
networking, communication and organization are seen as necessary to facilitate
our responses in a more organized and direct manner.

Common Principles to guide our Common Actions as GS
Asia-Pacific Justice and Peace Network

Unity in Diversity

To work for systemic change through challenging and transforming systems and

Direct services and interventions to victims of injustices must go hand in hand
with advocacies and work for systemic change and vice versa

We work for the poor, marginalized and vulnerable groups and sectors in
society.  These are economically -poor women , children and their
families, migrants and trafficking victims,  and protecting the Earth
community from further plunder and destruction

The current Global Economic Crises resulting from Neoliberal Globalization is
seen as a common context  where we do charity and justice in  GS
Mission in the Asia-Pacific

To maximize global structures as the UN through the GSIJP office in New York to
challenge global structures and work for systemic change.  It cannot be
one or the other. It must be a mutual process- from the ground to the global
level and from the global level to the ground

We believe in the inherent dignity of  all humans and all beings.  We
believe in the goodness of every creature or being. But we also recognize the
inherent human weakness and sinfulness of each being. Hence, as we do “good,
charity works” , we also transform the “evils of sinfulness” as seen in greed
for power and profit that have become global, systemic and structural evils

In transforming structures and systems , we need to cross boundaries, leaving
our own comfort zones

9.    We need
constant capacity-building by upgrading our skills in organization,
communication, networking, advocacy and action as we confront systemic evils through
more organized GS responses – whether through “nourishing and caring for the
lost sheep” as well as “leading the sheepfold to green pastures and snatching
them from wolves!”

Our Good Shepherd Mission is about reconciling
individuals, peoples , families and communities. Our mission of reconciliation
believes in human dignity and the inherent goodness of all beings. We are also
aware of our own sinfulness and weakness and our constant need for God’s mercy. 
Thus, we also  commit to work for systemic change by challenging and
transforming structures that abuses power and exploits others. We struggle and
become aware of our sinfulness. We surrender to God’s Mercy and become
Reconciled through healing and wholeness. We become ONE.

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