(By Ma. Ceres P. Doyo) These women religious know whereof they speak, because chief among their apostolates is the care of abused women and girls. The Religious of the Good Shepherd (RGS) recently issued a statement warning against cybersexploitation or online sexual exploitation of children (Osec), as well as the rising cases of domestic violence especially during this COVID-19 pandemic and while parts of the country are under community quarantine... Read more: https://opinion.inquirer.net/...Read more

It has come to our attention that well-meaning messages have been circulating in the social media and chat groups about our products being sold in our Quezon City convent and elsewhere. We are very grateful for the public's support to us in this time of crisis. For this reason, we wish to clarify and inform the public of the facts. We have three convents with economic justice ministries and their main products include ube jam and other pastries: GOOD SHEPHERD BAGUIO (Mountain Maid Training...Read more

Welcome House marked on April 16, 2020, its 50th year of foundation, in various ways following the lockdown in Luzon. Welcome House in Paco, Manila was founded by Sr. M. Dominica Long and Sr. Mary James Wilson upon the request of then Fr. Bob Garon, a La Sallette priest who had a radio program and who encountered women with family problems. THE STORY OF WELCOME HOUSE “It is an evangelical spirit of WELCOME, kindness, understanding and loving service which gives witness that one person is...Read more

St. Bridget College launches Operations Rise Up and Shine Batanguenos. The Taal volcano eruption which started 12 th of January left 74, 787 families, a total of 300, 595 individuals unsettled. These internally displaced persons (IDPs) are in 532 evacuation centers while a portion of them are in foster families and other private temporary shelters. (Source: Provincial Social Welfare Development Office post). The number continues to escalate everyday as there are more evacuees coming from 12...Read more
September 14,2019. Today is the Blessing of the Villa Maria Seminar/Retreat House. Photo: Untying of ribbon led by Sr. Regina Kuizom, Sr. Edna Fuentes and Sr. Loreen Granada. It took 600 working days, exactly one year and 71/2 months for the Villa Maria Community to build it. Now simply named Villa Maria. While still being finalized, already there are advanced bookings from the Visayas and Mindanao by both priests and lay groups. Villa Maria can accommodate as many as a hundred in air...Read more

Please pray for the eternal repose of Dra. Asuncion Villa who was buried Saturday, January 31, after the 11:30 funeral Mass. The following sharing of Sister Lorenza Sangalang will tell you who Dra. Villa is. One of the manifold graces we thank God for is the gift of persons. Today, we would like to make a special mention of someone who has lived the Good Shepherd charism for thirty nine years. It is not a surprise when people address her as Sister. All that she has not done is to make public...Read more
Typhoon Hagupit (Ruby) has made its first landfall in Dolores, Eastern Samar and is expected to affect many areas in the Philippines. File Photo: Sr. Carmelita Arenas watches as fisherfolks try to build their new fishing boat. Earlier during the day, Sr. Regina Kuizon contacted Good Shepherd Sisters in Legazpi and other provinces. As of December 5, Good Shepherd Home welcomed evacuees in the Center. Sr. Alicia Andres, local leader, said some 34 families, 120 individuals have been occupying the...Read more

A two-day Good Shepherd Bazaar opens today at the Good Shepherd Convent in Quezon City. This is supervised by the St. Mary Euphrasia Integrated Development Foundation, Inc. (SMEIDFI). The Bazaar features bags, pouch bags greeting cards, friendship bands, rosaries, icons, and food items. Participating in the Bazaar are the different communities with programs that help women and children through economic justice initiatives. Among the groups represented are Bahay Pastulan in Tagaytay, Alay Kapwa...Read more

By Sr. Ma. Francia Blando, RGS The Ministry to Women in the Diocese of Iligan started with advocacy work and training and educating grassroots women leaders in the parishes on their rights and dignity as human being and as women. Several parishes responded by sending leaders to become part of the core group in the Diocese. Until now, they continue to form a stronghold of women active in their own parishes, very much aware that as advocates against Violence against Women and Children (VAWC) and...Read more

A session on "Capacity-Building: Enhancing Skills as Community Animators", will be held May 26-27 at the Rosary Hall, Good Shepherd Convent in Quezon City. Expected to attend this activity are Good Shepherd Sisters involved in the various programs in the Philippines. Sr. M. Ananita Borbon of th Province Leadership Team said resource person is Prof. Elmer Ferrer of College of Social Work and Community Development of the University of the Philippines in Diliman. This will be followed by a meeting...Read more