Women, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation  (W-JPIC) Office

Women. Justice and Peace and Integrity of Creation  (WJPIC) Office
Good Shepherd Convent
1043 Aurora Blvd., 1108 Quezon City




Ministry                                  APJP

Vision Statement:

in Jesus Christ, we, Good Shepherd Sisters, live our mission of
compasison and reconciliation through a Contemplative or an Apostolic
life. With zeal, we labour to renew the world towards fullness of life
where there is Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation.

Mission Statement 2008-2014

To proclaim the Gospel of compassion and reconcialition, we continue to
integrate the prophetic challenges of our mission with the essentials of community and cosmic living. Authentic witnessing among ourselves, Good
Shepherd partners, and those we serve will inspire others to share our
ministries of compassion. In global solidarity, we mutally enable
ourselves and the poor and marginalized, particularly girls and women
to live in dignity and integrity.


Good Shepherd NGO/Justice, Peace, Solidarity in Mission

Asia-Pacific Justice Peace Network


Our Unity is like a river gently flowing, watering our land with blessings- SME

Asia Pacific Justice and Peace (APJP) workshop tackles Migration, Anti-trafficking, Economic and Ecological Justice and Care for the Earth

WJPIC ssues statement on Maguindanao Carnage

Good Shepherd Sisters, lay partners, SBS students and staff pray for victims of Maguindanao Massacre

APJP issues statement on anti-human trafficking

Asia- Pacific NGO Forum on Beijing + 15 notes multiple challenges on women

Members of Good Shepherd Asia-Pacific Justice Peace network attend Beijing + 15 Conference

