On February 27th 2014, the staff of Good Shepherd
Welcome House welcomed the United States Ambassador to the Philippines Philip
Goldberg and USAID Mission Director for the Philippines and the Pacific Islands
Gloria Steele.
Photo: US Ambassador Philip Goldberd, third from left, Sr. Antonietta Go, fifth from left, with Welcome House staff and Embassy personnel.
The visit began with a quick briefing from the Peace
Corps-Philippines Director Denny Robertson who introduced the staff to Gloria
Steele. We were able to chat while waiting for the Ambassador and apparently
USAID has a grant that GSWH may be eligible to apply for. Her advice? Ask for
more money.
Before we knew it security was arriving to scope out
the center and Filipino police were re-directing traffic. The ambassador was
escorted into the center. Our staff shared about our various programs and our
Peace Corps Volunteer Amelia Kent and Social Worker Arianne Cabarse-Nadela
shared about their partnership and accomplishments raising awareness on human
trafficking in the community. Next we allowed time for testimonials from former
beneficiaries who were victims of sex trafficking. One is now working as an
experiential outreach worker for the European Union and another is studying
social work so that she can help more girls.
The Ambassador was very attentive and encouraging. He
thanked us for the work that we do and wished us well. It was a proud day for
Good Shepherd Welcome House.
- Mimi
Volunteer, Welcome House, Cebu City