Thirty (30) Good Shepherd Sisters composed of local leaders of various of communities of apostolic and contemplative sisters and the Province Leadership Team (PLT) concluded the annual Local Leaders' Meeting held at the Good Shepherd Convent in Baguio recently.
With the theme, "Weaving New Pathways in Leadership", the local leaders of the 26 communities and PLT, through the three-day sessions tried: to nourish the person of the local leader and enhance governance thorugh St. Mary Euphrasia's spirituality; to learn from each others' experiences in communtiy as they lived the goals to accomplish the broad directions for the apostolic year 2009-2010; and, to celebrate and sustain the new pathways of leadership.
The broad directions were identified during the 2008 Province Chapter held in Maryridge, Tagaytay City. These broad directions were then translated and applied in the goals of each Good Shepherd Community in the Philippines. The broad directions are: 1) Good Shepherd Spirituality; 2) Prophetic Ministries; 3) Leadership and Governance; 4)Stewardship for Mission; 5) Vocation Ministry and, 6) Good Shepherd Partnership.
Day 1
Sr. Cecile Torres RGS, province leader, gave a warm welcome to the participants of the 22 apostolic communities and four contemplative communities in the country and presented the schedule of this year's meeting. She also introduced Sr. Susan Chia of the Congregational Leadership Team. Sr. Susan is the link councillor for the apostolic sisters. Sr. Susan is known to many sisters as before her election as a member of the CLT, she served as province leader of the Province of Singapore/Malaysia. She also attended courses some years back at the Emmaus Center.
Sr. Guadalupe Bautista RGS, local leader of the communtiy in Baguio also gave an orientation about the facilities in the house and the services that it can offer to the participants.
The day's sessions included: The Spirituality of Gevernance dn SME's style of leadership and, workshop/discussions/reflections on Broad Directions and goals for the year 2009-2010.The participants discussed in small groups and reported their observations, impressions, insights and key statements in plenary.
Day 2
The second day was devoted to the reporting of the various Province Teams that included: Ministry/WJPIC, MARTA (Material Resources), Formation, Good Shepherd Partnership (GSP), and, Governance. Sr. Ailyn Binco of SMEIDFI (St. Mary Euprhasia Integrated Development Foundation Inc) also came to report on the work of the foundation. Representatives of the Centennial Committee also reported on the preparations for the 2012 celebrations of Good Shepherd in the Philippines.
During the liturgy, the local leaders received copies of the Integrated Constitutions approved by the capitulants of the 2009 Congregational Chapter and by the Vatican on August 19, 2009.
Day 3
The third day was devoted to post election scenario presented by Sr. Minela Alvarez RGS. The participants noted the need for vigilance of people's partipation in local and national concerns. the group also agreed that the importance of voters' education not only during the time of election but in the continuing formation of the people as well.
Besides discussing local concerns, the group also had conversations with Sr. Susan about congregational concernsand the importance of global networking to be of more help to women and children.
The local leaders also planned the echoes of the meeting that will be done in clusters. The third day concluded with a flower offering to Our Lady.
The fourth and last day was a celebration -- recreation at Palm Grove and visit to the BenCab Museum.