Year for Priests 2009-2010
of Love of St. John Vianney
I love You, O my God, and my sole
desire is to love You until the last breath of my life. I love You, O
infinitely lovable God, and I prefer to die loving You than to live one instant
without loving You.
I love You, O my God, and I do not desire anything but
heaven so as to have the joy of loving You perfectly.
I love You, O my God,
and I fear hell, because there will not be the sweet consolation of loving You.
my God, if my tongue cannot say in every moment that I love You, I want my
heart to say it in every beat. Allow me the grace to suffer loving
You, to love you suffering, and one day to die loving You and feeling that I
love You. And as I approach my end, I beg you to increase and perfect my
love of You.
to St John Marie Vianney
St. John Marie Vianney, your life
was a complete offering to God for the service of all; we pray that through the
power of the Holy Spirit we may all respond today, with courage to the
challenges of our personal vocation.
You were an assiduous adorer of
Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Help us to approach the Holy Eucharist with
faith and reverence, so that we may enjoy his abiding presence in the Most
Blessed Sacrament.
You were a friend of sinners. You
always reminded them: “Your sins are just like grains of sand in front of the
great mountain of the mercy of God.” Loosen the bonds of fear that prevents
us to approach the mercy of God: help us to be truly sorrow for our sins. Help
us to discover the true face of God who always waits for the return of the
prodigal son.
You were always a help to the poor:
“My secret is simple; it is to give all and to keep nothing for myself.” Teach
us to share with those who are in need, help us to be free from our attachments
to money and to all false riches.
You were a loving child of the
Blessed Mother, “your most lasting affection.” Teach us to turn to her with simplicity
and confidence of a child.
You are now the example of pastors of the world. Let
your pastoral charity lead the pastors of our times to discover the bond that
unites all without discrimination of persons; give them the love for the
Church, the passion for the apostolate, and the strength in the face of many
Inspire our young people to
understand the grandeur of the priestly ministry and the joy to embrace the
call of the Good Shepherd.
Holy Cure of Ars, intercede for us.
Obtain for us what we ask for in faith, especially the fruitfulness of the this
Year for the Priests (mention your personal petitions), you are the
humble and faithful pastor, ever faithful in the service of God and all. Amen
person’s prayer for the Sanctification of Priests
Lord Jesus, through the intercession
of St. John Mary Vianney, we your people pray to you for our priests. You have
given them to us for our needs. We pray for them in their needs.
We know that you have made them
priests in the likeness of your own priesthood. You have consecrated them, set
them aside, anointed them, filled them with the Holy Spirit, appointed them to
teach, to preach, to minister, to console, to forgive, and to feed us with Your
Body and Blood.
Yet we know, too, that they are one
with us and share our human weaknesses. We know too that they are tempted to
sin and discouragement as we are, needing to be ministered to, as do we, to be
consoled and forgiven, as do we. Indeed, we thank You for choosing them among
us so that they understand as we understand them, suffer with us and rejoice
with us, worry with us and trust with us, share our beings, our lives, our
We ask that you give them this day
the gift you gave your chosen ones on the way to Emmaus: Your presence in their
hearts, your holiness in their souls, your joy in their spirits. And let
them see you face to face in the breaking of the Eucharistic bread.
We pray to you, our Lord, through
Mary the Mother of all priests, for your priests and for ours.
Holy Mary, intercede for your
St. Joseph, protect them.
St. Michael, defend them.
St. John Mary
Vianney, pray for them.
During the special Year for Priests
– 19 June 2009 to 19 June 2010 – on the occasion of the 150th anniversary
of St. John Vianney’s death, indulgences may be obtained when meeting the
following conditions:
A plenary indulgence for priests who, on any day,
devoutly recite at least Lauds or Vespers before the Blessed Sacrament, exposed
for public adoration or in the tabernacle, and who offer themselves with a
ready and generous heart for the celebration of the sacraments especially
Confession when they receive sacramental Confession and the Eucharistic banquet
and pray for the Pope’s intentions;
A plenary indulgence for the lay faithful
on the first and last days of the special Year, as well as on St. John
Vianney’s feast day (August 4), and on the first Thursday of each month when
attending Mass, offering prayers to Jesus Christ, going to sacramental
Confession, and praying for the intentions of the Pope;
A partial indulgence
for the lay faithful every time they devoutly recite Our Fathers, Hail Marys
and Glory Bes, or another expressly approved prayer, in honour of the Sacred
Heart of Jesus, to obtain that priests be preserved in purity and holiness of
Lord, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven,
mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One
Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
* pray for us.
Saint John Vianney, *
St. John Vianney,
endowed with grace from your infancy, *
St. John Vianney, model of filial
piety, *
St. John Vianney, devoted servant of the Immaculate Heart of
St. John Vianney, spotless lily of purity, *
St. John
Vianney, faithful imitator of the sufferings of Christ, *
St. John Vianney,
abyss of humility, *
St. John Vianney, seraph of prayer, *
St. John Vianney,
faithful adorer of the Most Blessed Sacrament, *
St. John Vianney,
ardent lover of holy poverty, *
St. John Vianney, true son of St. Francis
of Assisi, *
St. John Vianney, exemplary Franciscan tertiary, *
St. John
Vianney, tender friend of the poor, *
St. John Vianney, penetrated with the
fear of God's judgment, *
St. John Vianney, fortified by divine visions, *
John Vianney, who was tormented by the evil spirit, *
St. John Vianney, perfect
model of sacerdotal virtue, *
St. John Vianney, firm and prudent pastor, *
John Vianney, inflamed with zeal, *
St. John Vianney, faithful attendant on the
sick, *
St. John Vianney, indefatigable catechist, *
St. John Vianney, who did
preach in words of fire, *
St. John Vianney, wise director of souls, *
St. John
Vianney, specially gifted with the spirit of counsel, *
St. John Vianney,
enlightened by light from Heaven, *
St. John Vianney, formidable to Satan, *
John Vianney, compassionate with every misery, *
St. John Vianney, providence
of the orphans, *
St. John Vianney, favored with the gift of miracles, *
John Vianney, who did reconcile so many sinners to God, *
St. John Vianney, who
didst confirm so many of the just in the way of virtue, *
St. John Vianney, who
did taste the sweetness of death, *
St. John Vianney, who now rejoices in the
glory of Heaven, *
St. John Vianney, who gives joy to those who invoke you, *
John Vianney, heavenly patron of parish priests, *
St. John Vianney, model and
patron of directors of souls, *
Lamb of God, you take away the sins
of the world,
Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you
take away the sins of the world,
Hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you
take away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
V. Pray for us, Saint Jean-Marie Vianney,
R. That
we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let Us Pray
Almighty and merciful God, Who bestowed upon blessed John Mary
Vianney wonderful pastoral zeal and a great fervor for prayer and penance,
grant, we beseech You, that by his example and intercession we may be able to
gain the souls of our brethren for Christ, and with them attain to everlasting
glory, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.
Nihil Obstat: Fr. Genaro Diwa, Director, Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission
Imprimatur: Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales, Archbishop of Manila