All our sisters wear the Congregational Symbol which identifies us as Good Shepherd Sisters.
The Two Hearts...
represent the hearts of Jesus and Mary united as one. We draw our spirit of zeal from thsi Heart- an evangelical spirit of Welcome, Kindness, Understanding and Loving Service, which gives witness to the value of each person.
It also represents the reality that we love with two hearts: our own small, limited heart and the great heart of God.
The Crook...
represents the extension of the Shepherd's own self, used to rescue the sheep that is lost or in trouble.
Through the Church, Jesus continues to encompass with love all afflicted with human weakness. He looks for the lost one, brings back the strayed,t ends the injured and makes the weak strong. Jesus reveals the Father's mercythorugh a love whihc overcomes all sin and infidelity.
The Cross...
reminds us of the cost of the shepherd's self-giving, even to laying down one's life.
We give our total gift of self, which is rooted in the following of Christ and in his paschal mystery, leading though the cross and death to resurrection.