Detail, Sieger Koder's "Rejoice"
Prayers for our Beloved Dead
(Recited every day during the Month of November, Good Shepherd Convent in Quezon City)
Welcome Your faithful servants, our relatives, friends, benefactors, deceased members of our Congregation, those who have no one to pray for them into Your home in Heaven now. Grant them rest with You, forever in the company of Mary our Mother, all Your Angels and Saints, and all the faithful departed, who have gone before us in faith and enjoy the vision of YOur glory forever, where Christ lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light of your glory shine upon them forever. May they rest in peaceAmen. Holy Mary, refuge of sinners, pray for them. Amen.
WE ALSO REMEMBER WITH GRATITUDE OUR DECEASED SISTERS - blessings to the Good Shepherd Sisters in the Philippines
Deceased Sisters in Good Shepherd Columbary - Quezon City
Deceased Sisters Buried in Loyola - Marikina
Deceased Sisters Buried in Cebu
Good Shepherd Sisters and Missionaries - Philippines
January11 - Sr. Mary Consuelo Ferrer RGS (2011)
13 - Sr. M. Consolata N. Balbuena RGS (1999) July4 - Sr. M. Lydia T. Kalaw RGS (2000)14 - Sr. M. Victory Walsh RGS (1986)27 - Sr. M. Eucharista F. Hickey RGS (1986)26- Sr. M. Soledad Perpiñan RGS (2011)29 - Sr. M. Sacred Heart de Leon (1966)30 - Sr. M. Julia Gonzalez (2012)31 - Sr. M. John the Evangelist Toomey (1982) February 1 - Sr. M. Theodora M. Lopez RGS (1999)2 - Sr. M. Josephine Lansang RGS (1996)8 - Sr. M. Elizabeth F. O'Dowd RGS Sr. M. Cecilia M. Lantin RGS (2001)19- Sr. M. Carmel Medalla RGS (2012)27- Sr. M. Francis Flinn RGS (1999) August3 - Sr. M. Presentation Rosales RGS (1997)7 - Sr. M. Natividad Banaag RGS (2012)10 - Sr. M. Helen Hamilton RGS (1988)Sr. M. Josefina Cordero RGS (1987)12 - Sr. M. Grace Rivera RGS (2004)14 - Sr. M. Albeus Corridan RGS 15 - Sr. M. Corazon Nido RGS (2011)17 - Sr. M. Aloysia M. Catis RGS (2008)22 - Sr. M. Clare Morrissey RGS (1951)22 - Sr. M. Marcia Antigua RGS (2011)26 - Sr. M. Laetitiae Bool RGS (2008) March7 - Sr. M. Noel A. Bernabe RGS (2003) September2 - Sr. M. Teresa R. de Joya RGS (1989)9 - Sr. M. Pilar Verzosa RGS (2012)19 - Sr. M. O.L. of Dolor Denning RGS (1944)23 - Sr. M. Evarista M. Mullaney RGS (1968)Sr. Nora Ng 26 - Sr. M. Immaculata Antigua (2010) April 5 - Sr. M. Edward M. Neary RGS (19716 - Sr. Immaculate Conception Cahili (1984) 7 - Sr. M. Agnes Katigbak (2012) 8 - Sr. M. Margarita H. Heredia RGS (1995)Sr. M. Esperanza Quirino RGS (2006)9 - Sr. M. Isabel Ramos RGS (2008)24- Sr. M. Benedict Homes (1986)25- Sr. M. Patricia M. de la Costa (1973) October1 - Sr. M. Nativitas Albert (2012)5 - Sr. M. Mercedes L. Yap RGS (2009)6 - Sr. M. Christine Tan RGS (2003)9 - Sr.M Marguerite W. O'Kelly RGS (1984)15 - Sr. M. Francis Sherry RGS (1943)17 - Sr. M. Emmanuel A, Arlos RGS (1974)24 - Sr. M. Annunciata C. Salamatin RGS (2007)26 - Sr. M. Divine Heart E. Flood RGS (1982)Sr. M. John Eudes Callaghan (1939)27 - Sr. M. Estelle Antigua (2012) May10 - Sr. M. Magdalen de Pazzi Hurley RGS (1954)16 - Sr. M. Joseph Destresa RGS (1992)18 - Sr. M Dominica Long RGS (1991)23 - Sr. M. Pauline Feria RGS (1999)26 - Sr. M. Maurice C. Gallant RGS (1977)27 - Sr. M. Anselm Fitzimmons RGS (1966)29 - Auxiliary Mary Conjusta (1989) November3 - Sr. M. Annette V. Endencia RGS (2007)18 - Sr. Marie Porter CGS (2005)21 - Sr. M. Consuelo Chuidian RGS (1983)Sr. M. Concepcion Conti RGS (1983)Sr. M. Virginia Gonzaga RGS (1983)Sr. M. Catherine Loreto RGS (1983)27 - Sr. M. Leonie Tocmo RGS (2008) June3 - Sr. M. Patricia Sullivan RGS (1957)9 - Sr. Auxiliary Camillus Maranan (1999)11 - Sr. M. Brenda Flahive RGS (2003)19 - Sr. M Rosary P. Bonifacio RGS (1971)Sr. M. Gabriel C. Zunino (1966)28 - Sr. Ma. Leticia F. Allado RGS (2010) December3 - Sr. M. John of the Cross Kroner RGS (1979)7 - Sr. Maureen Cariño CGS (1977)Sr. M. John Pasion RGS (2000)10 - Sr. Mary Assumption Ocampo RGS (2009)13 - Sr. M. Magdalen Brillantes RGS (2006)19 - Sr. M. Peter Jacinto RGS (1984)27 - Sr. M. Angelita E. Gutierrez RGS (1981)- Sr. M. Teresita Arceo (2011)28 - Sr. M. Dorothy O'Connor RGS (1988)