March 20, 2020
The delegates were challenged
by the AMRSP call for religious to find ways to reach out to the sick, the
health workers, the poor, to family and friends during this time. Hence, the
Chapter body decided to share the snacks with the drivers who have no earnings
during this time. Moreover, it was agreed that in support of the health workers
who are the front liners in the battle against the corona virus, Baguio
products would be given to them.
The Province Treasurer’s report
was presented starting with a beautiful quote from Pope Francis: “Discerning
the effects of financial decisions begins with assessing economic possibilities
based on financial and personal resources; it relies on the work of specialists
and the use of means that enable a prudent and carefully managed stewardship;
and it operates according to law and at the service of an integral ecology… it
treats money as its servant, and never as its master, even for the most just
and sacred of reasons.”
Sr. Amelia David presented an
exhaustive financial report for the past six years which reflected God’s
generosity. In the discussion that followed, Sr. Yolanda Borbon, Congregational
Treasurer, highlighted the need to do strategic financial management and to
align the province’s disbursements with the Chapter priorities. This is to be
the basis for the analysis of the financial report. The need for proper
accounting and adequate internal controls not only for the community but also
for the ministry funds was also identified.