RGS Province Assembly held November 14-15 in Quezon City<br>

Members of the Religious of the Good Shepherd in the Philippines participated in the 2018 Province Assembly held at the Heart of Mary Villa Hall in Quezon City on November 14 and 15.

More than a hundred apostolic and contemplative sisters from the different communities in the country and in misison areas abroad attended the two-day gathering. Theme was, "Rouse Ourselves, Reclaim our Spiritual Energy."

Msgr. Clemente Ignacio, vicar general of the Archdiocese of Manila, celebrated the Mass on opening day. He stressed in his homily the importance of community and the challenges that are faced by religious today.

During the sessions, the sisters --grouped according to their years of entrance to the congregation-- shared the joys and challenges experienced in religious life. They also wrote statements that described the vision they have for the congregation.

The sharing highlighted the congregational chapter's call to deepen John 13's model of friendship and leadership.

Fr. Dan Cancino, MI, celebrated the concluding Mass. A cultural program followed the dinner. Presentations were from St. Bridget School Quezon City, Euphrasian Community and Heart of Mary Villa. Mission partners Herbert and Zeny Dy and their family hosted dinner and were also present at the program.