First Education Forum

the first time, the four St. Bridget Schools gathered together July 24-25,
2015.  The theme was:  Education
Forum:  Forging New Directions.
  This was organized by the Ministry Team in

1.    - 

To assess the RGS
Education Ministry and the four St. Bridget Schools.

2.    - 

To define the strategic
focus of the RGS Education Ministry in the four St. Bridget Schools

3.    - 

To formulate the strategic
goals for each strategic focus defined

4.    To identify the specific
strategies and actions to attain the  goals
for the RGS Education Ministry and the four St. Bridget Schools for the next
5  years.

venue was at the Rosary Hall of the Good Shepherd Community.
 There were 40 participants:  16 Sisters and 17 Lay Mission Partners from
the four schools and 7 guests.

Regina Kuizon, Province leader, welcomed the participants.
  She reminded the sisters and lay mission
partners that we have “A history which exemplified energy and
  “Today’s forum gives each
one an opportunity for better understanding of our mission, and how one
ministry supports the other.
quality education to our students, prepare them to be our mission partners in
addressing the global issues of today :
 victims of human trafficking and other forms
of inequality and injustice,”
  she added.

touched on the
  Direction Statements of
the Congregational Chapter that just concluded in Angers, France, identifying
the present needs of today as poverty, human trafficking, forced migration,
refugees, gender inequality, violence toward women and children and religious

concluded with a
  challenge: “May we,
sisters and mission partners gathered today for the Education Forum, and with
the Direction Statements as guide, form a strong communion with our Province and
the new Congregational Team as we collaborate and risk together for mission.”

Ananita Borbon, Councillor for Ministry, introduced the resource speaker, Dra.
Ma. Celeste T. Gonzales, from the Ateneo University.
   Within the two days alloted for the Forum,
Dra. Gonzales led the participants formulate the strategic goals for each
strategic focus namely:
Thrust, School Leadership and Management, School Viability, Curriculum and
Instruction and Learning Resources.

participants went home with an assignment to submit on October, 2015, the
school’s strategic plan for 2016-2021 – a five-year plan.
  Finalization will then take place and define
its implementation and monitoring.