2010 Joint Intensification Program <br>for Temporary Professed Sisters </br>begins Feb. 15 in the Philippines


The 2010 Joint
Intensification Program for temporary professed sisters preparing for Final
Profession of Vows started February 15 in the Philippines.

The 10
temporary professed sisters are from the Philippine Province, the Province of
Northeast Asia and the Sector of South Africa. They are: Sr. Loreen Granada, Sr. Leah
Ann Espina, Sr. Diana Madulara, Sr. Angelita Clemen (Philippines);
Yacobo Lim, Sr. Hyoju Park, Sr. Theresa Kim, Sr. Adriana Kim, Sr. Clara
An, (Northeast Asia, South Korea) and
 Sr. Laurine Rennick (South Africa).

The joint
intensification program responds to the Direction Statement of the 29th Congregational Chapter that says: We are impelled as “Weavers of Compassion and
Reconciliation n Global Solidarity"
 to commit ourselves to respond to the
urgency to nurture new life through holistic and relevant formation that
prepares, renews and sustains us for the challenges of today’s realities.

The South
Koreans and South African arrived in the Philippines from their respective
countries on February 8 and 12,  while the four Filipinas who were missioned in various communities in
the Philippines arrived at the Good Shepherd compound in Quezon City on
February 11.

During the
opening liturgy of the intensification program, Sr. Teresita Figueroa,
Juniorate directress, called on the participants- four from the Philippines,
five from Korea and one from South Africa- to each light her candle from the
Paschal candle, symbol of Christ, who has called each of them to religious

They also
reflected in dyad on the “Streams of Christian Tradition.” To get the partners
for the sharing, each of the five Koreans had to pick a piece of paper from the five streams
of  tradition and when each of them
had picked her paper, another set of the same five streams of Christian tradition were laid on the
centerpiece for the four Filipinas and one South African. The liturgy flowed so
well that as each of the traditions was read by Sr. Teresita, the two sisters
who picked a particular tradition had to stand to get a bigger paper with the
explanation of the tradition.


Prayer-Filled Life
Our heart’s steady
attention on God

The Contemplative Tradition
continually draws us into love for God, reminding us that the Christian life is
less like a rule book and more like falling in love.

Virtuous Life
Responding with integrity 

The Holiness Traditon emphasizes the re-formation of
our hearts so that we are able to respond appropriately to the challenges of

Spirit-Empowered Life
Fueling our lives from the presence and power of God 

The Charismatic Tradition focuses on the power of God’s
Spirit moving in and through us.

Compassionate Life
Extending compassion in every sphere of life

The Social Justice Tradition
expresses the themes of justice, compassion, and peace. It emphasises wisdom
and lovingkindness to bring relationships into harmony, unity, and balance,
even within our relationship to nature. Compassionate Life takes place in all
arenas of life, from personal to social to global.

Word-Centered Life
Living the life-giving message 

The Evangelical Tradition encompasses much more than
simply converting people. The evangel—the “good news”—is God’s great message to
humanity: that all can be redeemed and restored to its intended design. This is
the message embodied in Jesus himself, rooted in the word of God, and
ultimately expressed through the lives of those who follow Christ. 

The Streams of
Christian Tradition include: Prayer-Filled Life - Our heart’s steady attention
on God; Virtuous Life - Responding
with integrity
 ; Spirit-Empowered Life - Fueling our lives from the presence and power of God;  Compassionate Life - Extending compassion in every sphere of life; and, Word-Centered
Life -
Living the life-giving

In dyad, the participants read the explanation of the
streams of Christian tradition and shared with each other the significance of and the personal experiences related to the particular tradition they randomly picked. 

The temporary professed sisters also sang the “Aspirations”
of  St. Mary Euphrasia, calling on
the intercession of Mother Foundress as they begin their intensification program.

Sr. Cecilia Torres, Province leader of the Philippines,
attended the opening liturgy and gave a message to the participants. She
expressed her joy as she welcomes the sisters who will start together the first
part of their intensification which is the deepening of their love for the Good
Shepherd and strengthening of knowledge of the congregation through the
different input and sessions during the month. She also assured them of her
prayers and that of the sisters from the Philippines and other units who communicated to her their messages through email. Sr. Johanna Yong of Northeast Asia and Sr.
Naomi Mascarenhas of South Africa likewise sent their emails with assurance of
prayers for the intensification program. At the end of her message, Sr.
Cecilia, reminded the temporary professed sisters to enjoy their time together reflecting on the content of the program and strengthening their bonds as
Religious of the Good Shepherd.

The Philippines has networked with other units in previous intensification programs.

Sr. Teresita said that the joint intensification is a
blessing from God and an opportunity for the young sisters “to appreciate the
diversity and richness of cultures” present in the congregation. She hopes that the program will enable the participants to develop
a more global vision.

Resource persons have been invited to facilitate sessions. The  activities
and topics of the one-month intensification include: Retracing my Journey in
Faith; Article I and CGS Essential Elements; Theology of Religious Life; Good
Shepherd Roots and Spirituality: St. Mary Euphrasia, Lives of Superiors General
after Mother Foundress, Blessed Maria Droste, Aguchita Rivas; Community Life;
Networking and Internationality; Vow of Chastity; Vow of Poverty and
Stewardship; Vow of Obedience and Governance; Mission and Vow of Zeal; Lay
Partnership; Facing the Challenges of Religious Life.  A Session on St. John
Eudes has been scheduled and the participants will also visit different communities
and apostolate. They will also have country presentations and recreation that
will foster understanding of cultures and appreciation of personal gifts.

The second part of the intensification will be done in the respective units. The four Filipina sisters will have a 30-day retreat in preparation for their Final Profession of Vows scheduled on April 23. 

Sr. Brigid Lawlor, congregational leader, confirmed the admission for Final Vows of the 10 Temporary Professed Sisters earlier approved by the province/sector leaders with the consent of their leadership teams.


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