Homily of Fr. Fernando Guillen Sch P

(Below is the homily of Fr. Fernando Guillen Sch P on June 30, 2010 during the Mass held at the Good Shepherd Convent, 1043 Aurora Blvd., Quezon City).


Dear sisters we celebrate today two important events: first in our community, the death of Sr. Letty Allado; she is in the memory of us all, her character so alive, her way of  making jokes, her knowledge and opinions on politics: she was a very representative of Good Shepherd Sisters; as such I knew her in the dining room of the St. Euphrasia Pelletier residence. We shall pray for her in the Mass and bless her ashes at the end of our Eucharist. Second, today is the inauguration of the new president of the Philippines, and everybody is aware of the importance of this moment for the life of the nation. The new president Noynoy Aquino will take his oath and officially begin his functions as the supreme leader of the Republic. This is another important intention for the Eucharist today.

Readings: Am 5: 14-15. 21-24 and Mt 8: 28-34

Dear Sisters,

On this solemn day which is the inauguration of a new president we have heard a nice exhortation to the justice and a warning about solemn festivals, in the mouth of the prophet Amos. Like prayer and wish for the Philippines let us recall his final words: “Let justice flow like water, and integrity like an unfailing stream”.

But we also have heard the scene of Jesus in the Gadarenes territory.

Let us remark some simple points.

We are in the Decapolis, a pagan land in the East-South of the lake of Galilee. The presence of the herd of pigs confirms it. In Israel, there were no pigs because the Law’s interdiction.

Remember the words of the demons: “Have you come here to torture us before the time?”

“Here” means the pagan country where the prince of the world lords without contradiction. “Before time” means before the Paschal Mystery, which will be the victory of Jesus, and before his final coming as judge. “To torture us” means to show your power and redemption-liberation of mankind from devils domination.

So, the whole scene becomes a prophecy of the future evangelization of pagan countries. Even the death of the pigs in the water of the lake has symbolic meaning: it is the announcement of the end of demoniac paganism in the waters of the baptism.

However, the inhabitants of the town feared the presence of Jesus and his power. They preferred their mistakes better than Christ’s freedom. It is a frequent attitude among the people really attached to their sins.

Dear Sisters,

Once again for us, for Sr. Letty, for our community and for the entire country, let implore the Lord and his total liberation from evil that leads us to the fulfillment of the evangelical values, against all corruption, and first of all in favor of justice and peace.

Fernando Guillen sch.p.