Due to changing climate, our ube farmers are
having difficulty growing ube. It has been our struggle in the recent years to
find a stable supply. And in the past weeks
there were none. Those of you who went to Baguio know this.
Now our ube jam sports a new look. Yes it is Ube Jam. From white
ube. Yes there is such thing. And it is the available supply at the moment...
and yes it is just as good as the purple one. ????
We thank you dear friends for your continued
support to our Good Shepherd mission in Baguio. As you well know, it is a
social enterprise that aids the college education of our Cordillera youth.
Now let’s all do our share in caring for the earth and calling for
climate justice. And let’s do this not only because we love Ube Jam but because
we #CareForOurCommonHome.
Religious of the Good Shepherd, Philippines-Japan