“For the Light was coming into the world, the true Light that enlightens everyone… And the Word was made flesh; he had his tent pitched among us, and we have seen his Glory- fullness of truth and loving kindness.” Jn 1:3, 14
The year 2011 is about to end. The theme, “Embracing Challenges,” has guided us in this year of preparation for our 2012 Centennial, when we began the journey of Centennial Shepherd Staff during the Regional Celebrations. We looked back at the challenges we encountered in the past and rejoiced at the immense grace we received as we allowed ourselves to be channels of God’s compassion for others.
“Embracing Challenges” also captures most profoundly the sentiment of our people as we all mourn the loss of loved ones at a time when the country is also preparing for the Christmas season. Tropical storm Sendong whipped certain villages in Iligan and Cagayan de Oro in the middle of the night and claimed thousands of lives, and left a nation stunned and horrified seeing at daybreak the destruction before them.
“For the Light was coming into the world …” In our moment of darkness and confusion, let the fidelity of God strengthen us and our people as we face together the challenges before us and as weavers of compassion we accompany them to look forward with hope to the coming year.
“Forging Hope.” Yes, let our 2012 theme keep our eyes fixed on the Light as we continue our mission of reconciliation, enabling families, especially women and children, to be whole and to foster a global solidarity to care for our earth and one another.
From Province Leadership Team Newsletter. Vol 30. No. 4 December 25, 2011 Good Shepherd Sisters, Philippines