Sr. Jude Ellen Golumbieski, link councilor to the Philippines of the Congregational Leadership Team (CLT) visited the contemplatives from February 10-21, 2013.
Upon arrival, she stayed at the Good Shepherd Community in Quezon City. During her visit, she met the contemplatives in Tagaytay – February 11-12, Virac- February 13-15 and Cebu/Butuan - February 17-19 (in Cebu), and the contemplative council - February 20. Sr. Jude Ellen also visited the 1043 communities, Museum Idyll and St. John’s Compound.
Sr. Jude Ellen is from the Province of Mid-North America. She was in the Philippines in 2001 to attend the International Session of the Contemplatives held in Maryridge, Tagaytay City.