2010- 2012 Centennial Prayers

Weaving Compassion, Embracing Challenges, Forging Hope


Year 1

2010: Weaving Compassion

Weaving Compassion


Weaver God be with us
as we weave compassion in the tapestry
of our centennial year celebration.

Journey with us
as we reveal
the colors of compassion
that bind us together
as communities becoming
"schools of mercy and havens of compassion"
for others, especially to our poor brothers and sisters.

You, who hold the design of our being,
can make this happen.


2012 Centennial
Year II
2011: Embracing Challenges

Embracing Challenges

Jesus, Good Shepherd, your whole life was a jubilee,
bringing reconciliation, healing and liberation
through your love. 

 Send your Spirit on us
during this time of preparation.   

Lead us to an unwavering commitment
to justice, peace and integrity of creation
as we embrace the challenges of our  world marked by so many conflicts, social and economic inequalities, exploitation, marginalization and the destruction of Mother Earth.

 With our lay partners in mission,
may we incarnate justice and mercy
by responding radically and prophetically
to the needs of our time.




2012 Centennial
Year III
2012: Forging Hope


“God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son.”

A God who loves us so much cannot but inspire us to hope. Heavenly Father, help us then
to forge hope as we continue to embrace the challenges of this third millennium.

 Jesus, Good Shepherd, help us to become instruments of hope in a world fast losing hope. As Gospel women, help us to live out St. Paul’s message of hope:

The Lord is very near. There is no need to worry.
But if there is anything you need, pray for it…
Asking God with prayer and thanksgiving.
(Phil. 4:5-6)

As we weave hope into our Centennial Celebrations together with our lay mission
partners, let us beg the God of hope for such peace and joy  in our faith that in the power of the Holy Spirit we may truly overflow in hope for the sake of our people
and our nation. Amen.


Embracing Challenges

Jesus, Good Shepherd, your whole life was a jubilee,
bringing reconciliation, healing and liberation
through your love. 

 Send your Spirit on us
during this time of preparation.   

Lead us to an unwavering commitment
to justice, peace and integrity of creation
as we embrace the challenges of our  world marked by so many conflicts, social and economic inequalities, exploitation, marginalization and the destruction of Mother Earth.

 With our lay partners in mission,
may we incarnate justice and mercy
by responding radically and prophetically
to the needs of our time.
